Negative Dialectics: The Transformation of the Critical Theory of Society

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Alfonso Galileo García Vela


In Negative Dialectics, Adorno historically justifies the necessity for critical social theory to adopt the form of philosophy. This transformation represents a profound shift from the Marxist tradition and has significant implications for the development of critical theory today. This article seeks to clarify the sociohistorical arguments that led Adorno to redirect critical thought toward philosophy, supported by an immanent critique of Marx's theory and Hegel's philosophy of identity. The article will also examine the importance of immanent critique for the Frankfurt School, focusing on aspects that are considered essential for understanding its development and significance. This analysis will lay the groundwork for addressing Adorno's thesis on the historical necessity of philosophy in the formulation of a negative dialectic. Finally, it will discuss the dilemma that arises when confronting Adorno's critical theory with that of Moishe Postone, namely, whether critical theory should be conceived as a social theory or as a negative dialectical philosophy. The aim is to provide an answer to this question.


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