Challenging the North-South Divide in Decolonizing Design

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Ehsan Baha
Abhigyan Singh


This article critiques the prevailing North-South divide within the discourse on decolonizing design, recognizing its historical significance while exposing its limitations in advancing decolonial agendas. The uncritical adoption of this dichotomy often leads to oversimplification, exclusion, and isolation, limiting the practical impact of decolonizing efforts. Drawing on insights from a global design anthropological study on energy exchange, we advocate for a post-development perspective that transcends the North-South divide. Our study presents three key insights: colonization is rooted in ideology and requires global reform for decolonization; mutual learning between the Global North and South is essential; and infrastructure plays a crucial role in envisioning and implementing decolonial alternatives. This work aims to stimulate further discourse toward a dialogic, contextual, infrastructural, and comparative post-development paradigm in decolonizing design.


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Baha, E., & Singh, A. (2024). Challenging the North-South Divide in Decolonizing Design. Diseña, (25), Article.5.
Original Articles (part 2)
Author Biographies

Ehsan Baha, University of Montreal; Delft University of Technology

Assistant Professor in the School of Design at the University of Montreal. He holds a MSc and BSc degree in Industrial Design from Eindhoven University of Technology. He is a member of the design research laboratory, Hybridlab (University of Montreal). His scholarly pursuits center on exploring an authentic approach to designer identity development, cultivating a strong foundation for pluralism within the field, and elevating the academic standing of design. He is currently awaiting a defense date for his doctoral thesis titled ‘ Authentic Designer Identity’ (Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, Delft University of Technology). Some of his publications include ‘Expertise Profiling in Design Schools: A Theoretical Framework’ (co-authored with T. Dorta and P. Gauthier; DRS 2024); and ‘Why Am I Studying Design?’ (with M. Koch, N. Sturkenboom, R. Price, and D. Snelders; DRS 2020).

Abhigyan Singh, Delft University of Technology

Assistant Professor at the Department of Human-Centered Design of Delft University of Technology. He holds a doctoral degree from the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering at Delft University of Technology, a MA in New Media Design from Aalto University, and a BTech in Information and Communication Technology from DAIICT. His research examines social, cultural, and economic aspects of emergent energy systems, and makes conceptual and methodological contributions to the emerging domain of design anthropology. He received the 2021 WWNA Apply Award from the European Association of Social Anthropologists’ Applied Anthropology Network (EASA-AAN). Some of his latest publications include ‘Design Anthropology for Ethics of Care and Emergence’ (co-authored with G. van Leeuwen; DRS 2024); and ‘Envisioning ‘Anthropology through Design’’ (with N. Romero Herrera, H. W. van Dijk, D. Keyson, and A. T. Strating; Design Studies, Vol. 76).


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