The Limitless Rage of Miyó Vestrini (Notes on a Vulgar Tongue)

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Gina Saraceni


This paper emerges from a reflection on noise as a sonorous matter that interrupts meaning and as a a figure that names dissonant areas of culture. From this premise, the text analyzes the poetry of the Venezuelan writer Miyo Vestrini in order to look at how her poetic language relates to the category of the vulgar. I am interested, specifically, in thinking about the vulgar as a locus where aesthetics and subjects, displaced or discarded from the hegemonic cultural, can emerge disturbing the founding concepts of the lettered city (such as identity, body, citizenship, language). Vestrini 's poetry shows opaque and detuned sonorities that account for another economy of meaning, closer tostridency and dissonance than to meaning and understanding


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Author Biography

Gina Saraceni, Universidad Simón Bolívar (Venezuela)

Universidad Simón Bolívar, Caracas