Reterritorialization Strategies in Contemporary Poetry Amazon

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Claudia Rodríguez Monarca


The article proposes a relational look of a corpus limited of poems of Amazonian writers from different origins. The hypothesis of this work is that it is based on the experience and conscience of deterritorialization and displacement, the poetic subjects are keys and reterritorialization strategies, as a form of cultural resistance. The reterritorialization would be operating through two processes: the intracultural recovery (reappropriation of their territorial and cultural space) and the intercultural agency (appropriation of other people’s space, by the migrant subject). These processes operate as instances of a collective identity validation and generate enunciative attitudes, through various strategies that we have identified as: (micro) rewriting history or events, appeal to the sacred, the rememorizacion and the appropriation of the language (linked to linguistic conditions). The repertoire is considered contemporary to Amazon, indigenous and non-indigenous poets of Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia.


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Author Biography

Claudia Rodríguez Monarca, Universidad Austral de Chile

Universidad Austral de Chile