On the notion of person as a Catholic expression in constitutional texts and supranational norms to conceptualize digital dignity
person, catholic expression, law, dignity, digitalAbstract
The limited or non-existent normative concept of digital dignity, the notion of the person as a catholic expression in constitutional texts and supranational norms are the starting points for conceptualizing human dignity in the context of Artificial Intelligence for better decision-making based on the development of jurisprudence that allows expanding the doctrine and legal literature on the dignity of the person in the age of information technology.
All of which is necessary in the face of the existence of computer sciences in which individuals, companies or States with the intention of manipulating personal data could end up affecting the rights of third parties on an imperceptible scale. For this reason, when we speak of digital dignity as a Catholic expression in constitutional texts and supranational norms, we are referring to respect for those very personal rights that are collected and make up the dignity of each person and that we must deserve in the digital environment.
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