Dinámica espacio-temporal de los cambios en la cubierta vegetal y usos de suelo asociados al fracking en las cuencas de Burgos, México y Neuquina, Argentina



fracking, vegetation cover, land use, Burgos basin, Neuquina basin


Despite multiple impacts associated with hydraulic fracturing, in Latin America this technique was widely implemented in some of the hydrocarbon-producing countries in this region. Among the impacts associated with fracking are the loss of vegetation cover and the change in land use. The analysis was based on representative samples made up of 10 oil fields, in two of the hydrocarbon zones with the greatest implementation of hydraulic fracturing, in two of the Latin American countries with the largest unconventional hydrocarbon reserves, the Neuquina basin, Argentina and the Burgos basin, Mexico. The samples were compared by means of land cover maps, designed from the interpretation of Landsat images in three different temporalities (2002, 2013 and 2019). In the samples from both basins, an increase in the elimination of the original vegetation cover was found, as well as a decrease in agriculture, during the period of greatest expansion of the technique.


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Author Biography

Humberto Reyes Hernández, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí (México)

Licenciatura en Geografía. Posgrado Multidisciplinario en Ciencias Ambientales. Posgrado en Estudios Latinoamericanos en Territorio, Sociedad y Cultura.


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How to Cite

Aleman Contreras, U. A., Reyes Hernández, H., van´t Hooft, A. ., & Santacruz de León, G. . (2023). Dinámica espacio-temporal de los cambios en la cubierta vegetal y usos de suelo asociados al fracking en las cuencas de Burgos, México y Neuquina, Argentina. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (86). Retrieved from https://revistadisena.uc.cl/index.php/RGNG/article/view/43599


