La cartografía de los temores: las web del delito en Iberoamérica


  • Pedro Fraile Universidad de Lleida (España)
  • Quim Bonastra Universidad de Lleida (España)



Urban Crime, Information and Communication Technologies, Crime in Latin America, Online Crime Mapping


Since the end of the last century, there has been significant growth in the use of Web 2.0, which allows the user to enter information and thus make a contribution to its configuration. In this context throughout the world, though with marked regional differences, a mapping of predominantly urban crimes and conflicts has developed, for which individual and group collaborations are often requested. This article will analyze the eighteen webs of crime existing in Latin America during the year 2010. We will conduct research on their leadership, their membership and their format. We will put them on the context of the territory they are related to. The intention is to establish different categories and find the regularities that explain how these webs operate and their spatial influence


Author Biographies

Pedro Fraile, Universidad de Lleida (España)

Departamento de Geografía y Sociología

Quim Bonastra, Universidad de Lleida (España)

Departamento de Geografía y Sociología

How to Cite

Fraile, P. ., & Bonastra, Q. . (2021). La cartografía de los temores: las web del delito en Iberoamérica. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (56), 163–187.


