El capital social como recurso de innovación para la gestión regional en grandes áreas protegidas. La Reserva de la Biósfera Großes Walsertal


  • Falk F. Borsdorf alpS Centre for Climate Change Adaptation Technologies (Austria)




Social Capital, Protected Areas, Innovative Regional Development


Regional management of regional contexts such as Protected Areas demands the continuous involvement of local stakeholders and citizens. These groups are not only consumers, but also co-constructors of their cultural landscapes. To ensure their persistent support, however, regional management has to take into account instruments likely to guarantee this long-term public support. This is where social capital comes into play and contributes to voluntary engagement on a long-term basis. Though not always having intended to use its knowledge on social capital, the case of the Gro6es Walsertal Biosphere Reserve appears to have done a good job in bringing about this long-term public support while turning it into significant degrees of innovation and economic success


How to Cite

Borsdorf, F. F. . (2021). El capital social como recurso de innovación para la gestión regional en grandes áreas protegidas. La Reserva de la Biósfera Großes Walsertal. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (55), 55–66. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-34022013000200005


