Frontera y migración en el norte de Chile a partir del análisis de los censos de población. Siglos XIX- XXI


  • Marcela Tapia Ladino Universidad Arturo Prat (Chile)



Border, border migration, region


Studies on frontier and border migration are an area of exploration that help to increase the look on human mobility given that the inclusion of regional migration phenomenon is not given in a disconnected way from what happens in other areas of the country or neighboring countries. This work aims to provide knowledge that includes the long duration of border migration in Chile, as well as care for the recent phenomenon of increasing migration of South American migrants in the center of the country. It is postulated that migration from Peruvian and Bolivian border has been central to the configuration of the tarapaquenian society fundamentally tied to economic cycles and the benefits of the border crossing at different historical moments. In this sense, population censuses are the main sources of information and the starting point of any study on border migrations, however we can see the need to expand the exploration of other complementary statistics in order to advance towards a fuller understanding of the dynamics migration in the border areas


Author Biography

Marcela Tapia Ladino, Universidad Arturo Prat (Chile)

Instituto de Estudios Internacionales (INTE)

How to Cite

Tapia Ladino, M. . (2021). Frontera y migración en el norte de Chile a partir del análisis de los censos de población. Siglos XIX- XXI. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (53), 177–198.


