The natural system in Chilean urban planning


  • PATRICIO LARRAIN Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


natural system, urban planning, environmental variables


This essay examines the extent to which Chliean urban planners have token into account environmental [actors in city planning,Theanalysis,restr icted tothe 20th century, reveals that envlronmemalfactors have seldom been considered, the onlyexception being the seismic risk. ln practice, other geophysical and technolog ical hazards have virtual/y been ignored, However, during the last years some spacefor optimism has emerged, particularly in relation to the principies and mechanlsms defined in the 1985 National Urban Policy and the new General Ordinance ofUrbanism and Building which became effective on September 1992. As concluding remarks.this work emphasizes the need to transform urban planning into an interdiscíplinary activlty, where geographers can make an important contribution.


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Author Biography

PATRICIO LARRAIN, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

lnstituto de Geografia, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


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How to Cite

LARRAIN, P. (1992). The natural system in Chilean urban planning. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (19), 59–68. Retrieved from




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