The role of agricultural areas in epistemological debate on rural tourism, agritourism and agroecotourism


  • Dora Isabel Rodigues Ferreira Universidad de Extremadura (Portugal)
  • José Manuel Sánchez Martín Universidad de Extremadura (Portugal)


Agroecotourism, agritourism, rural tourism, rural areas, literature review


The agriculture activity is an important industry in the world due to income generated. About 25% of total expenditure by tourists are in food, that suppose the agriculture is a sector that are on the base of tourism sector. At the same time, the agriculture is a tourism resource, that increase their added value in tourism system, especially on rural areas. This study, is based on robust theory debate about agricultural landscapes and the agriculture activity as a tourism resource, evaluate in the rural tourism, agritourism and agroecotourism contexts. The main conclusion is that exist an important potential, that are growing to support the demand while the agriculture reborn in certain tourist modalities, at same time facing the conceptual disparity dominant in literature.


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Author Biographies

Dora Isabel Rodigues Ferreira, Universidad de Extremadura (Portugal)

Alumna de Doctorado en Desarrollo Territorial Sostenible

Universidad de Extremadura

José Manuel Sánchez Martín, Universidad de Extremadura (Portugal)

Profesor Titular de Universidad
Área de Geografía Humana
Facultad de Empresa, Finanzas y Turismo

Universidad de Extremadura


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How to Cite

Rodigues Ferreira, D. I., & Sánchez Martín, J. M. (2022). The role of agricultural areas in epistemological debate on rural tourism, agritourism and agroecotourism. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (81), 235–261. Retrieved from


