Strut reaction forces on a diaphragm wall: Comparison of numerical models, traditional methods and field measurements.


  • Dennis Raddatz Ferrara (Chile), Proyectos Especiales.
  • Gonzalo Suazo Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (Chile), Depto. Obras Civiles.
  • Oscar Taiba Ferrara (Chile), Proyectos Especiales.


diaphragm wall, lateral earth pressure, pressure redistribution, struts, numerical modelling


This research describes the technique of diaphragm wall as a retaining solution and the calculation methods for the reaction forces of struts used
for supporting a wall. In addition, the procedure to obtain earth pressure values on the wall and their distribution under the Chilean Norm
NCh.3206 and the German recommendation EAB are indicated. The structural elements and the geotechnical characterization of a strutted
diaphragm wall with struts on three levels, built in the region of Valparaíso, Chile, are studied in order to obtain the strut reaction forces by using
analytical and numerical models. Finally, results are shown, comparing the data recorded in-situ and values obtained through theoretical and
numerical modeling for strut reaction forces.


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How to Cite

Raddatz, D., Suazo, G., & Taiba, O. (2016). Strut reaction forces on a diaphragm wall: Comparison of numerical models, traditional methods and field measurements. Revista De La Construcción. Journal of Construction, 15(2), 37–45. Retrieved from