Chilean Cinema in Two Phases: for a Reading About the Displacement From the Theatrical Picture to the Cinematographic Frame

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Marcela Parada Poblete


We propose a reading cross between the aesthetics of the Chilean silent cinema and their relationship with contemporary cinema Generation 2000, identifying the movement from the theatrical picture to the cinematographic frame. The early cinema mainly manifests an interest on itself, and the quotidian of their records of reality works as an excuse to a resource that explores their technical and aesthetic possibilities. In contemporary cinema, a different relationship with the quotidian is adopted, trying to explore the different levels of sense in the record of reality and temporality, as well as a search of cinema as representation and interrogation of world


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Author Biography

Marcela Parada Poblete

Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Estudios Urbanos. Escuela de Diseño, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Santiago, Chile.