Allegory and Porosity in Walter Benjamin. From Trauerspiel to the Essay on Naples

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Chaxiraxi Escuela Cruz


On August 19, 1925, Walter Benjamin and Asja Lacis published Naples in Frankfurter Zeitung. It is an essay about the Italian city, where they analyze the customs and cultural practices of the area through a peculiar method of image superimposition. It is common to interpret One-Way Street as the work in which Benjamin first approaches physiognomy as a form of expression. This paper aims to address the first of the city physiognomies that Benjamin wrote in the 1920s. The objective is to show how Benjamin sets in motion, in these city portraits, a theory of representation based on the study of allegory in The Origin of German Tragic Drama.  The essay on Naples will be presented as the first of the exercises undertaken by Benjamin to apply his research on Baroque drama to problems of contemporary culture.


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