Reticent Critique Prolegomena for a Critical Theory in a Post-Critical Era

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Esteban Alejandro Juárez


Based on the diagnosis of the post-critical regime, a shift is proposed in the formulation of the problem of the supposed crisis of critique. This shift does not advocate a radical abandonment of critique, nor does it defend its provisional function in view of its practical consummation in a true society, nor the order of normative regulation that makes it possible to determine, evaluate and hierarchize its own performance. What we are interested in exploring is that which is subtracted from the normative regulation of the judgment on the adequate and the inadequate. The subject of reflection is what critique designates in its irreducible difference with itself. The present paper then investigates this difference under the name of «reticent critique». In doing so, it makes use of Adorno’s notion of «the added». The general thesis maintains that reticent critique comprises an «aesthetic moment» that prevents it from constituting itself, as Kant wanted, into an absolute tribunal to which everything must submit. 


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