Listening to the Unheard: Philosophy and Music in the Early Critical Theory

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Marina Hervás Muñoz


This paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of music as an object of philosophical inquiry within the context of the emergence of the critical theory. To this end, a concise examination of the role of music in public and political debates of the early 20th century is presented, with particular attention to the period’s journals and discussions. Subsequently, the most significant aspects of the relationship between philosophy and music are analyzed through the works of three thinkers who, around the same time, began to develop a philosophical project centered on music: Theodor W. Adorno, Ernst Bloch, and Günther Anders (whose work on music, published only recently, has yet to receive sufficient academic attention). Specifically, the tension between language and music is explored, focusing on issues of expression and construction, as well as the characterization of the musical experience. Finally, the utopian nature of music is critically examined.


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