Aesthetics of the Insensitive: The In-World Order of Relations

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Lorena Souyris Oportot


From a theoretical study, this article seeks to examine the aesthetic-affective dynamics that are manifested in fields of experiences which have ordained in-word practices. Such an examination assumes a reflection that aims to problematize insensitivity, not only as an antinomy of sensitivity, but also as an analytics of the insensitive that has regulated a feeling of indifference to the other,  organizing a way of inhabiting the present world that would be fulfilled in the individualized particularity and in the contingency, thus revealing a readiness for the insensitive. The thesis that is support attempted is that this availability would originate from a psychic topic which would legitimize the Lacanian idea that the subject arises as an effect of a signifier difference, namely, of a constitutive crack which entails an eccentric relationship with the I and which would manifest itself in an internal segregation exteriorized in the antinomy sensitivity/insensitivity; but also, reflected in the other antinomy hospitality/inhospitality in the constitution of the experience of how we make world.


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