Tensión y elusión en la fotografía del paisaje productivo en Chile (2000-2020)
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This work gives an account of a critical review of the author photography as a practice in the aesthetics of visuality in relation to landscapes of the territories associated with production and its consequences, in contemporary Chile (2001-2020). It advances how the selection and categorization of the field was achieved, to build a body of study with 28 works and researchs, subjected to critical analysis. The the classic discussion that places photography as a tense discipline between the production of 'work' and the production of 'documents' is updated to achieve a framework for the analysis. For this update, the ‘poetics of landscape photography’ proposed by Santos Zunzunegui (1994) are used: the indexical, the symbolic, the non-indexical and the non-symbolic, and ordering the whole according to this makes it clear how the veil produced by the aesthetic experience on the photography, progressively fades, revealing, beneath it, the irritating pain of the destruction of the landscape. Thus, the selected productions must become now works, now documents, to attract the gaze and, when viewed, show the human damage to the sensible territory, perceived as landscape.
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