Hispano-american alternative detective fiction (1960-2005)

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Diego Trelles Paz


To what extent is a literary genre which conventions imply the presence of a detective, the final reestablishment of the statu quo and the exemplary punishment of the guilty, compatible with Latin-American realities? Is it possible to talk about detective novels in societies where people do not have any faith in justice? My main hypothesis is that it is possible from a new genre that not only incorporates and restates some of the structures and conventions of the American hard-boiled novel, but that it also shares some features of innovative contemporary Spanish American fiction. Due to the necessity of the native writers to adopt, formal and thematically, alternative approaches when creating plausible detective stories, I have named this emergent genre: Hispano-American Alternative Fiction.


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Author Biography

Diego Trelles Paz, Universidad de Austin Texas

Departamento de Español y Portugués
Universidad de Austin Texas