Tender Infrastructures: Designing with Care, or Contributions to ‘Matters of Care’ in Architecture

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Nerea Calvillo González
Miguel Mesa del Castillo


 Despite the fact that architecture has always been linked to issues such as hygiene, shelter, well-being and physical protection, the concept of care has only been incorporated into the concerns of architecture in recent years. Tender Infrastructures is a peda­gogical experiment carried out at the University of Alicante, which takes as a frame of reference the work of some authors from the studies of science, technology and society (STS), feminist studies, posthumanism, and especially the ideas of María Puig de la Bellacasa in what she calls ‘Matters of care’. Appropriating this frame, this experiment sets out to show that care is an activity directly associated with design and the socio-material networks in which architecture is directly involved.

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How to Cite
Calvillo González, N., & Mesa del Castillo, M. (2018). Tender Infrastructures: Designing with Care, or Contributions to ‘Matters of Care’ in Architecture. Diseña, (12), 172–195. https://doi.org/10.7764/disena.12.172-195
Original articles
Author Biographies

Nerea Calvillo González, University of Warwick

Architect and PhD in Architecture, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Assistant Professor, Center for Interdisciplinary Methodologies , University of Warwick. As a researcher, she tackles the following topics: architecture and ecology, toxicity, air urbanism, visualizations and queer urban political ecologies. She is a member of the Scientific Committee of the journal [i2]. Some of her latest publications include: ‘Water and Air: Territories, Tactics and the Elemental Textility of Urban Cosmopolitics’ (with M. Tironi, in Urban Cosmopolitics. Agencements, Assemblies, Atmospheres, Routledge, 2016) and “Test-bed as Urban Epistemology” (with O. Halpern, J. LeCavalier and W. Pietsch, in Smart Urbanism, Routledge, 2016).

Miguel Mesa del Castillo, University of Alicante

Architect, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. PhD in Architecture, Universidad de Alicante. He is Professor in the Department of Graphic Expression, Composition and Projects at University of Alicante. His research addresses the following topics: ecology and architecture, resistances, policies of objects and architecture design pedagogy. He is the Director of the journal [i2]. Some of his latest publications include: “Materiales de resistencia” (in Ciudad y otras políticas IV: La institución como ciudad, Tabakalera, 2017) and ‘Transurban Love’ (with A. Jaque, in Imminent Commons: Urban Questions for the Near Future, Actar, 2017).

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