Data Visualization for Non-oppression and Liberation: A Feminist Approach

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Lizbeth Bravo
Catalina Rufs
Daniela Moyano


In this article, we address data visualization as a political artifact in light of the work of the Observatory of Data and Statistics on Gender and Intersectionalities (ODEGI). We show how a feminist approach explores political dimensions in data and turns data visualization into a tool of subversion and resistance against the systems of oppression, in an unequal society like the Chilean. The reflections in this article seek to create dialogue around the question of how data visualization can be transformed into a tool of non-oppression and liberation, from a feminist approach. In line with this, the first part of the article provides a brief contextualization of the political and ethical attributes of data visualization. Then, we reflect on a framework that allows us to understand it as a feminist tool. We will finally delve into the ODEGI case and our use of data visualization to contribute to the fight against patriarchy and other systems of oppression, giving concrete examples of the categories of analysis we use in our design and decision processes.

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How to Cite
Bravo, L., Rufs, C., & Moyano , D. . (2022). Data Visualization for Non-oppression and Liberation: A Feminist Approach. Diseña, (21), Article.2.
Original articles
Author Biographies

Lizbeth Bravo, Observatorio de Datos y Estadísticas de Género e Interseccionalidades

MA in Advanced Design, Pontificia Univer­sidad Católica de Chile. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Design from the Mexican Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes. Currently, she is a Master’s student in Design Theory and Criticism at the Mexican Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes. Her research focuses on information design and data visualization in Latin American practices. She is the co-author of ‘De Otros Lados: Visual Intercultural Communication and Participation System’ (with R. Ramírez; in The Experience Design: Korea & Latin America Research Exchange, Kookmin University, 2021).

Catalina Rufs, Observatorio de Datos y Estadísticas de Género e Interseccionalidades

MA in Sociology, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business and Economics from Universidad de Chile. She is Executive Director at the Observatorio de Datos y Estadísticas de Género e Interseccionalidades (Observatory of Data and Statistics on Gender and Intersectionalities). Her research focuses on gender inequalities from an intersectional perspective, including the criminal system, gender-based violence, and migration. She is the co-author of ‘La percepción de desigualdad económica y su influencia sobre la justificación de las diferencias de ingreso legítimas’ (with J. Iturra, J. C. Castillo, and L. Maldonado; in Revista Estudios Sociológicos COLMEX, in press).

Daniela Moyano , Observatorio de Datos y Estadísticas de Género e Interseccionalidades

MA in Sociology, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Design from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. She is Content Director at the Observatorio de Datos y Estadísticas de Género e Intersec­cionalidades (Observatory of Data and Statistics on Gender and Intersectionalities). Her research focuses on data visualization, data critical studies, and feminism. She is the co-author of ‘Por más que yo trabaje, trato de acomodar todo a mi hijo: Usos de la visualización de líneas de tiempo para comprender desigual­dades de género en la academia’ (CUHSO, Vol. 31, Issue 2).


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