Influence of web stiffeners in the bearing capacity of steel castellated beams subjected to failure by web post instability
Vigas alveoladas, método de los elementos finitos, pandeo del montante de alma, rigidizadores del almaAbstract
This work presents a numeric study using the Finite Element Method for castellated beams manufactured from Brazilian steel rolled I-sections, which collapse by web post buckling. After the beam analysis for the limit buckling state, other analyses were carried out, adding web post stiffeners in the region that would suffer the buckling. The results show significant influence of the stiffeners in the bearing capacity and in the collapsing mode presented in the analyzed beams.
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How to Cite
Vieira, W., Verissimo, G., Rangel, J. L., & Lopes, J. (2017). Influence of web stiffeners in the bearing capacity of steel castellated beams subjected to failure by web post instability. Revista Ingeniería De Construcción, 32(2), 93–107. Retrieved from
Original Research