Gabriela Mistral y Pedro Aguirre Cerda a través de su correspondencia privada (1919-1941)


  • Matías Tagle Domínguez Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Palabras clave:

La revista no contemplaba “Palabras clave” para los artículos incluidos en este año de publicación


Gabriela Mistral and Pedro Aguirre Cerda made acquaintance of themselves in 1916. Since then, they maintained correspondence until 1941. The paper is based on a set of twenty-seven letters written by Gabriela Mistral to Pedro Aguirre Cerda from different places of the world, published in "Mapocho" journal in 1917. It also includes the "Epistolario de Gabriela Mistral" issued in the "Epistolario de Pedro Aguirre Cerda (1938-1941)" published by the Centro de Estudios Barros Arana. Finally, it incorporates a letter by Juana Aguirre de Aguirre to Mistral, dated in 1942. This is completed by different references that both of them made in their letters to other people. The paper reviews four aspects of the relation between Gabriela Mistral and Pedro Aguirre Cerda. The first topic is in regard to the poetess daily life aspects. A second question its related with Gabriela Mistral's professional matters, specially the ones connected with her labor as an educator, as an international government employee and as a publicist of our country in other places of the world. The third issue is related to the poetess's opinions concerning issues about Chilean politics. Finally, the fourth topic is in relation with subjects concerning Mistral's private life and personal opinions.






Cómo citar

Tagle Domínguez, M. (2002). Gabriela Mistral y Pedro Aguirre Cerda a través de su correspondencia privada (1919-1941). Historia, 35(I), 323–408.


