Intra-action as a Materialist Ontology of the Virtual: From the Analytical Engine to Analog/Digital Intraobjectivity

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José Solís Opazo


This article provides a theoretical contribution based on Sadie Plant’s critiques of the notion of virtuality as pure immateriality. Plant uses Ada Lovelace’s logic of the ‘Analytical Engine’ as a base, reinterpreting it as a feminine practice associated with the act of weaving, which has been repressed by official cyberculture. From this perspective, the article examines how Remedios Zafra identifies a continuity of this logic in domestic ‘prosumption’ practices, emphasizing their potential to achieve subjective autonomy, albeit subordinated to being captured by the neoliberal digital economy. Finally, Karen Barad’s concept of intra-action is introduced as a materialist ontology of the virtual, complementing Plant’s critiques and addressing the ambiguity of prosumption as discussed by Zafra. This ontology challenges techno-libertarian immaterialism by interpreting ‘digital objects’ as co-productive or intra-objective relations between the analog and the digital.


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How to Cite
Solís Opazo, J. (2025). Intra-action as a Materialist Ontology of the Virtual: From the Analytical Engine to Analog/Digital Intraobjectivity. Diseña, (26), Article.1.
Original Articles (part 1)
Author Biography

José Solís Opazo, Universidad de Alicante

PhD in Aesthetics and Art Theory, Faculty of Arts, Universidad de Chile. Architect and Master’s in Theory and Art History, Universidad de Chile. His work explores the transdisciplinary intersections between the theory of architecture, design, visual arts, philosophy, and contemporary thought. He is the author of La derrota de lo cotidiano. Elementos para una ontología política del diseño contemporáneo (Universidad Central de Chile, 2013); Señales de vida. De la decoración a la domesticidad en Chile (Self Published, 2014); and Precauciones para archivar el futuro. Ensayos de teoría de la arquitectura (LOM, 2016). He is a co-founder of the Encuentros Nacionales de Teoría e Historia de la Arquitectura (ENTHA) and has served as co-director of the Diseño, Urbanismo & Paisaje journal, published by the Centro de Estudios Arquitectónicos, Urbanísticos y del Paisaje at Universidad Central de Chile. Currently, he is a postdoctoral researcher in the Grupo de Investigación de Proyectos Arquitectónicos: Pedagogías Críticas, Políticas Ecológicas y Prácticas Materiales at Universidad de Alicante.


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