Community Culture and Design in (Re)Territorialization Processes: Devices and Narratives of Memory, Rootedness, and Resilience
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In 2021, the Canary Island of La Palma experienced a volcanic eruption that lasted 85 days, forcing the relocation of over seven thousand people, two thousand of whom were unable to return to their homes. Within this complex and conflict-laden context of collective healing, we explore a design contribution through cultural and artistic creation as a sociomaterial assembly. Drawing on situated research conducted primarily with women from the rural periphery, this article examines the design of encounters, listening spaces, and networks of affection and care that foster the collection of ancestral knowledge and strengthen collective rootedness. The continuity of the domestic dimension within public spaces is analyzed, with the (sobre)mesa (table talk) serving as both an object and a context in dynamic processes of (re)territorialization.
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