Postcards from Inside the Practices

Main Article Content

Alicia Lazzaroni
Antonio Bernacchi
Enrique Espinosa Pérez
Lydia Maria Arantes
Michele Avis Feder-Nadoff



The Problem Space We Cohabit: Inter-Methodological Approaches for More-Than-Human Design

A shift to an ecological and critical perspective in design calls for a profound methodological restructuring of its disciplines, towards a condition of methodological hybridity and contamination. We propose the notion of ‘exploration space’ to identify a heterogeneous landscape of interacting design process, while making reference to the concepts of ‘inter-disciplinary research’ and ‘problem space’ discussed by Celia Lury. As an example, a series of design explorations delving into more-than-human coexistence, developed by the authors, are recalled to map out and diagram methodological feedback loops.



Domestic Mediations: Tricks, Hacks, Memes, and Mattress Exchanges as Minor Architectures

This multimodal article reflects on the insufficient consideration of (architectural) design as an ‘object-centered discipline’. Through the case of a small apartment renovation, it examines how the analysis of the triad―client (owner), designer (architect), and project (design)―fails to effectively describe the ecosystemic relationships that occur in a (domestic) codesign process, proposing that design is mediation and intra-action. The study, therefore, brings together agents (regulations, hacks, agreements, and agents); resources (affections, desires, frustrations, communication channels, economic precariousness, etc.); and actions (agreements, exchanges, self-constructions, doubts, and decisions) that go beyond the client-technician or problem-solution relationships.



Making Things, Making Sense: Reflecting on the silence in-between Structures and Anti-Structures of Education

This zine-like article presents and enacts a reflection upon a three-session panel the authors convened at the recent Royal Anthropological Institute conference on Anthropology and Education. Their reflection coalesces through a more casual conversation, capturing their exchange and collaboration process. The authors contrast their Antistructure approach to education with the Structure approach. In the panel, they challenged the framework of a formal conference by focusing on silence in education, and concluded their panel with an embroidery lab designed to be both experiential and experimental. This article shares what the authors learned by moving away from the conventional approach to learners as vessels to be filled. Instead, their panel was designed to explore making-knowledge with others in a manner that is improvisatory, non-authoritative, and open to the silence of gestures and quiet exchange.


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How to Cite
Lazzaroni, A., Bernacchi, A., Espinosa Pérez, E., Arantes, L. M., & Feder-Nadoff, M. A. (2025). Postcards from Inside the Practices. Diseña, (26), Postcards.
Postcards from Inside the Practices


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