‘Maraña’ as a Dysphoric Notion for Staying with the Trouble of the Revolt and its Memories
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This article aims to present the notion of maraña (tangle), a concept useful for addressing the complexities inherent in a world in crisis, where practices, relationships, meanings, and materialities have become so intertwined that traditional design approaches and related disciplines fall short in adequately understanding social phenomena. Through an analysis of the Mauricio Fredes Memorial―raised to preserve the remembrance of a protester who died as a result of the repression during Chile’s 2019 social outburst―we propose an entangled reading of the site, identifying its components, aesthetics, practices, and relationships with its surroundings. The main findings highlight how this Memorial aligns with remembrance practices associated with human rights violations in recent history, and how, through an insurgent co-design logic, the site integrates material and symbolic elements of the revolt into public space.
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