North Vienna Station: A Paradigmatic Abandonment for a ‘More Livable Future’

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Iván Capdevila Castellanos
José Manuel López Ujaque


Vienna is one of the first cities to regulate the preservation of existing urban ecosystems, even granting legal status to some places abandoned by humans―where nature has freely emerged―, thereby ensuring coexistence with the inhabiting species. This article aims to clarify how this achievement is motivated by the intertwining of spontaneous, creative, and affirmative experiences in some of these places―such as the North Station―and the Europan Architectural Competition. This contest introduces, first, the theoretical framework that values these experiences and then institutionalizes the lessons learned from them in its new editions. Thus, this text portrays, in three acts, the Europan competition and Vienna as institutions and laboratories―of ideas and sympoietic practices, respectively―that think and design reciprocally.


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How to Cite
Capdevila Castellanos, I., & López Ujaque, J. M. (2025). North Vienna Station: A Paradigmatic Abandonment for a ‘More Livable Future’. Diseña, (26), Article.3.
Original Articles (part 1)
Author Biographies

Iván Capdevila Castellanos, Universidad de Alicante

Adjunct Professor and researcher at Universidad de Alicante. Architect and Doctor of Architecture, Universidad de Alicante. Master, The Bartlett School of Architecture. His research work focuses on new forms of the European city through practice in architectural competitions. His latest publications include: ‘Lo construido: ¿Siempre hay que hacer? Acción con lo extraordinario vs. percepción de lo genérico’ (co-authored with J. M. López Ujaque; BAc Boletín Académico, Vol. 11) and ‘Del Berlín de los Smithson al París de Friedman: Fotomontajes para un diario de viaje no revelado’ (with J. M. López Ujaque; Rita, Issue 15). He carries out his professional activity at PLAYstudio, and is a five-time winner of the biannual Europan architecture competition (E7, E8, E13, E14, E15).

José Manuel López Ujaque, Universidad de Alicante

Associate Professor and researcher at Universidad Internacional de la Rioja and Universidad de Alicante. Architect, Universidad de Alicante. Master and Doctor of Architecture, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. His research work focuses on post-productive processes applied to design, ideation, and architectural representation. Among his latest publications are: ‘Lo construido: ¿Siempre hay que hacer? Acción con lo extraordinario vs. percepción de lo genérico’ (co-authored with I. Capdevila Castellanos; BAc Boletín Académico, Vol. 11) and ‘Del Berlín de los Smithson al París de Friedman: Fotomontajes para un diario de viaje no revelado’ (with I. Capdevila Castellanos; Rita, Issue 15). He carries out his professional activity at PLAYstudio, having won on one occasion the biannual Europan architecture competition (E15).


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