New Narratives for Remote and Venerable Artefacts: The Professor Gastón Soublette Collection and the Art Room “Nuestros Pueblos Originarios”

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Margarita Alvarado
Francisco Gallardo
Pablo Cordua
Catalina Cobo


During the year 2015, Gaston Soublette, musician, philosopher, and professor at the Institute of Aesthetics, donated to Universidad Católica his valuable collection of pre-Columbian and ancient Mapuche objects. His purpose was to mount an exhibition at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile’s Campus Oriente, and present an indigenous vision of Art. Commissioned by the Dirección de Infraestructura y Desarrollo Físico, curators and designers worked to develop a script for the contents and the exhibition that would honour these intentions. Particularly, the beauty and the beliefs deposited in these artworks from the American past.

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How to Cite
Alvarado, M. ., Gallardo, F. ., Cordua, P. ., & Cobo, C. . (2016). New Narratives for Remote and Venerable Artefacts: The Professor Gastón Soublette Collection and the Art Room “Nuestros Pueblos Originarios”. Diseña, (10), 6–17.
Author Biographies

Margarita Alvarado, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Institute of Aesthetics


Designer, Universidad de Chile. B.A in Aesthetics, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. PhD in Cultural Studies, Universidad de Chile. Professor, Institute of Aesthetics, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and researcher, Centro de Investigaciones Interculturales e Indígenas (CIIR), Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

Francisco Gallardo, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, School of Anthropology


Archaeologist, Universidad de Chile. Professor School of Anthropology and researcher, Centro de Investigaciones Interculturales e Indígenas (CIIR), Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

Pablo Cordua, Amercanda


Designer. Director and partner, Amercanda.

Catalina Cobo, Amercanda


Designer, Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana. Associate Designer, Amercanda.


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Hodder, I. (1990). Textos de cultura material y cambio social: Una discusión teórica y algunos ejemplos arqueológicos. Boletín de Antropología Americana (21), 25-40.

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