The Imaginary Framing and the Lived Experience of Technologies: Interview with Laura Forlano Interviewer: S. Ruecker

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Laura Forlano
Stan Ruecker


In this interview conducted by Stan Ruecker, Laura Forlano gives some clues of what designers can learn from the critical thinking the social sciences have developed for decades: challenging key terms, overturning narratives, and being critical about the way new technologies are being framed and presented. She asks for designers to commit to a position. She points out that because each new technology will inevitably fail, designers might be more effective if they think of people not only using technology, but also having to take care of it.


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How to Cite
Forlano, L., & Ruecker, S. (2018). The Imaginary Framing and the Lived Experience of Technologies: Interview with Laura Forlano: Interviewer: S. Ruecker. Diseña, (13), 58–83.
Author Biography

Stan Ruecker, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Licenciado en Inglés y en Ciencias de la Computación, University of Regina. Magíster en Inglés, University of Toronto. Magíster en Diseño de Comunicación Visual, University of Alberta. PhD en Inglés, Arte y Diseño con especialización en computación humanista, University of Alberta. Es Anthony J. Petullo Professor de Diseño Gráfico en la Escuela de Arte y Diseño de la University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Se dedica a la investigación en las áreas del diseño de experiencias, la teoría del diseño, el diseño para la salud y las humanidades digitales. Algunas de sus publicaciones más recientes incluyen: “Activating Interpretation: Experience Design in the Humanities” (con J. Roberts-Smith, en Making Humanities Matter, University of Minnnesota Press, 2018) y “Four Criteria for Design Theories.” (con P. Hodges, C. Scaletsky, J. Rivera, R. Faller y A. Geppert, She Ji, vol. 3, n.° 1).