Experience Design for Reporting Human Trafficking

Main Article Content

Lisa Mercer


The ethnographic research study titled Operation Compass is focused on the development of design-led interventions to combat human trafficking. Phase one was focused on the question, how could a modified form of technology enable truck drivers to report suspected instances of human trafficking at a higher rate? The collection of primary research was guided by grounded theory with the goal of developing a theory from social patterns to explain why truck drivers were not reporting suspected cases of human trafficking. The study identified three key factors: their fear of safety, the necessity for timely delivery of cargo, and the lack of understanding on how to identify human trafficking. Since these had previously stopped truck drivers from reporting suspected cases of human trafficking, our design goal was to create a reporting process that mitigated these concerns to the point that they could be overcome. That is, reporting had to be anonymous, convenient, safe, integrated into the technology truck drivers prefer to use, ease of use to report a suspected case of human trafficking, and the ability to recognize human trafficking. The first five could be addressed with the Operation Compass smartphone mobile application; the last required an education campaign.


Article Details

How to Cite
Mercer, L. (2018). Experience Design for Reporting Human Trafficking. Diseña, (13), 208–233. https://doi.org/10.7764/disena.13.208-233
Original Articles (part 1)
Author Biography

Lisa Mercer, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

BA in Visual Communications & Design, Purdue University. MFMFA in Research, University of North Texas. She is Assistant Professor of Graphic Design at the School of Art and Design at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Her research has been focused on design research methods for social innovation. Some of her latest publications include ‘Octagonal Research Globe for Prototyping Emergent Immersive Reality Experiences,’ (in Proposals for Better Futures: Design Research Across the Disciplines, Intellect, in press) and ‘Riding Shotgun in the Fight Against Human Trafficking’ (Proceedings of Design Research Society Conference 2016, Vol. 1).